
How-To Manual





It is possible to obtain points associated with performance metrics in the BOMA BEST Questionnaire. Specifically, points can be awarded for the ability to calculate a weather-normalized site energy use intensity, water intensity and ENERGY STAR Score.

Energy and water consumption data can be entered in the BOMA BEST Hub or in an existing ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager (or ESPM) account. In either case, it is necessary to specify your synchronization preference in the BOMA BEST Hub so that ENERGY STAR methodology can be used to calculate performance metrics.

Follow the instructions in this document if you prefer to enter your energy and water consumption data in an existing ESPM account. Once you have synchronized your accounts, all the data you have entered in ESPM will be auto-populated in BOMA BEST. It may take up to 72 hours for this to occur. The steps listed in this document are only required for the initial setup.