
How-To Manual




2. Uploading Meter Data

2.1 Meter information will appear on the building’s benchmarking summary page. Select the meter type (energy consumption, energy production, water, or waste) and click on Create a New Meter.

2.2 Fill out the mandatory fields regarding the meter. Then, click on Save.

2.3 Open the newly created meter and click on Add Meter Reading.

2.4 Enter meter readings for the newly created meters. Required fields will vary based on meter type. To Edit any meter or meter reading, click on the green pencil icon under Action. To Delete any meter or meter reading, click on the red trash can icon under Action

NOTE: the percentages highlighted in red and green under meter readings indicate whether performance has improved or declined since the previous meter reading.

NOTE: ensure that for all meters, the Start Date of the first meter reading matches the date entered for First Bill Date in Section 1.7. Gaps in dates will cause errors.

a. Energy Consumption Meter: Enter the start date, end date, amount of energy consumed, cost and accuracy of the meter reading. Click on Save.

b. Energy Production Meters: enter the start date, end date, amount of energy produced, cost, amount of energy exported off site, and REC ownership (if applicable).
c. Water: enter the start date, end date, amount of water consumed, and cost from your first bill.

d. Waste: enter the start date, end date, quantity (in pounds) and the accuracy of the meter reading. Click on Disposal Destination to enter the percentage of total waste sent to landfill, incinerated, converted to energy, and unknown.