
How-To Manual


BOMA BEST Policies


Policy 6: On-Site Verification: Additional Verification Costs

Travel Costs

If, for the purposes of an on-site verification, an Applicant’s building(s) is located at a considerable distance from a BOMA Association office, the Applicant will be responsible for the payment of all applicable BOMA BEST Verification Professional travel costs. The definition of “considerable distance” shall be determined by BOMA. 

Travel costs may include flight, gas, car rental fees, accommodation and meals where applicable. Please consult with prior to registering a building if there is concern that it might be located at a considerable distance from a BOMA office.

Questionnaire revision

It is expected that the BOMA BEST Verification Professional will have to amend some answers in their version of the Questionnaire before finalizing the certification score as a result of the on-site visit and documentation review. A BOMA BEST Verification Professional may amend one question per Focus Area within the Questionnaire. If more than 12 questions require modification, this will incur an additional verification cost. It is the Applicant’s responsibility to review the changes listed in the Final Verification Report.

Additional Review

Following the verification, the BOMA BEST Verification Professional can assist the Applicant in understanding what documentation is still required to achieve certification. However, there can be no more than two interactions with the BOMA BEST Verification Professional focused on clarifying a question’s intent. Additional document review beyond the two interactions will incur an additional verification cost.

Second on-site visit

In the event that a second on-site verification visit is required, this will incur an additional verification cost.

For more information on additional verification costs, contact