
How-To Manual




Request Building Access on the BOMA BEST Hub

Property User and Read-Only Property Users can request access to buildings directly through the Hub

  1. Log into your account and click on the Buildings tab under the Properties dropdown

2. Click on the Request Access button on the top right-hand side of the Buildings page

3. Fill in the building information for the building you wish to request access to, then click the Find Building The Hub will do a search through its system to locate the building.

4. If the building exists in the Hub, it will show up under Suggested Buildings. From here, you can click the checkbox and then click Add. This will send an access request for BOMA to approve. You can continue to request access to other buildings as needed on the search panel on the left side of the screen.

5. If the building you are looking for does not exist in the Hub, you will receive the following pop up. This indicates that the building is not registered with BOMA BEST and will need to be registered. For steps on how to register a building, click here.