Asset Classes

Focus Area



Baseline Practices

Question #

W5.0 – Mold and Water Damage Management


Is a Mold and Water Damage Management Program in place at the building?


All asset classes
Owner/landlord occupied building
Tenant occupied building

Answer & Scoring

  • Yes – this is a baseline requirement

Select one of the following:

    • Program in place
    • Program has been shared with Tenant Representative(s)


  1. Develop a building-specific Mold and Water Damage Management Program that covers the following:
      • Responsible parties, including the building team’s training Requirements
      • Requirements and frequency for building and HVAC inspections
      • Actions required to reduce the risk of indoor mold growth
      • Procedures for mold and water damage investigations
      • Procedures for management of mold cleanup activities

  1. Demonstrate that the program was developed by a person competent in mold and water damage management practices
  2. Program must be signed by the building manager, dated within the last 12 months
  3. If there is tenant managed space in the building, the owner or landlord must provide information to the Tenant Representative(s) that manage(s) water use within the tenant space on how to implement a Mold and Water Damage Management Program

Water treatment in HVAC equipment must, at all times, meet local provincial and/or federal guidelines and regulations.


  • Building-specific Mold and Water Damage Management Program
  • Evidence that Program was shared with Tenant Representative(s)

Suggested Lead

In-house: Facility Maintenance, Building Manager/Policy Makers
Third-party: Hazards/IEQ Consultant

Note: This questionnaire requires a third-party consultant. It’s rare that a company will have an in-house expert on mold and water damage management practices.


  • Water can have a significant effect on building materials and occupant health. Water-impacted building materials can exhibit mold growth in as little as 48 hours
  • Quick response to water damage is vital in preventing the deterioration of building materials and preventing adverse effects on occupant health
  • Create a Mold and Water Damage Management program that defines how building management teams will prevent and respond to water damage

RELATED Question:


Water-impacted building materials can begin to exhibit mold growth in as little as 48 hours. A water damage monitoring and management program will assist in rapidly addressing bulk water damage, including detailed procedures for drying, cleaning and remediating where necessary.

Health Canada’s Fungal contamination in public buildings: A guide to recognition and management, 1995 recommends “the development of programs to avoid the development of fungal amplification-sites.” Further, the American Industrial Hygiene Association’s 2013 “Position Statement on Mold and Dampness in the Built Environment,” recommends that a “formal mold/water prevention program with clear actions and responsibilities is required for an effective response to signs of moisture”.


Adapted BB 3.0 Question

Question 02.01.01 — Is a Water Damage Monitoring and Management Program in place in the building?