Asset Classes

Focus Area

Accessibility and Wellness



Question #

A1.2 — RHFAC Plan or Action


Have steps been taken to address any shortcomings identified in the Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification™ (RHFAC) Professional’s (or equivalent) on-site visit?


All asset classes 
Owner/landlord occupied building
Tenant occupied building

Answer & Scoring

  • Yes – Plan = 1 point
  • Yes – Corrective actions implemented = 2 points
  • No = 0 points
  • Not Applicable – No recommendations made = 0/0
  • Not Applicable – Only available to buildings outside of Canada: No equivalent exists = 0/0

Max of 2 points


  1. Following the on-site visit create and document a plan outlining how and when accessibility shortcomings identified are to be addressed.
  2. Implement corrective actions
  3. OR

  4. Documentation from the certification or equivalent that demonstrates no recommendations were made
  5. OR

    For countries outside of Canada:

  6. Have an on-site survey conducted by a similar organization and/or professional.
  7. Demonstrate how the organization and/or professional is equivalent to a Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification™ (RHFAC) Professional
  8. OR

  9. If an equivalent does not exist, provide a narrative outlining the efforts made to find an equivalent


  • Plan of actions and timeline
  • Photos of corrective actions taken (if any)
  • If applicable, narrative demonstrating equivalency to RHFAC Professional


  • Narrative outlining efforts made to find equivalent from A1.1

Suggested Lead

In-house, with third-party support as required consultants


  • Building off A1.1 – RHFAC Survey, building management teams are encouraged to create a plan to implement recommendations made by RHFAC professionals during the on-site review
  • Additional points will be awarded to buildings who implement corrective actions


The Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification™ (RHFAC) provides a holistic and consistent approach to measuring access through a rating survey. Reviewing the building’s elements and features using the RHFAC methodology, based on the holistic user experience of people with varying disabilities affecting their mobility, vision, and hearing identifies shortcomings. Implementing corrective actions ensures a more accessible and inclusive building for the public.



Adapted BB 3.0 Question

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