Asset Classes

Focus Area

Accessibility and Wellness


Visual Environment

Question #

A2.3 — Visual Elements


Have the visual elements in the building been reviewed to identify and recognise improvement opportunities?


Applicable to Office and Healthcare buildings


Select all that apply:
  • Yes – review conducted of access to views and natural light
  • Yes – review conducted of quality of electric light
  • Yes – review conducted on glare control devices
  • Yes – low and no-cost corrective actions addressed
  • Yes – plan in place to address higher cost corrective actions (such as natural features in building e.g. living wall, plants etc.)
  • [Healthcare] Yes – >50% of patients have an outside view from their beds
  • None of the above


A property’s visual environment includes factors, such as the quality of light, daylighting, access to views, natural landscapes, or biophilic interior design elements.

A healthy visual environmental is vital for many physiological processes including performance and alertness, sleep-wake cycles, hormone regulation, and immune system function.

It is suggested that owner or landlords collaborate with tenants to assess opportunities for addressing visual environment.

Building management can implement measures to promote balanced and comfortable access to natural light and views and reduced glare, supplemented by high quality electric light to positively impact occupants’ experience. Enhancements may be a co-benefit of other building improvements, such as lighting upgrades.


  1. List the visual environment elements that have been reviewed within landlord-controlled areas and summarize qualitative observations as applicable:
  • Access to views and natural light, including views, lines of sight to natural landscapes, daylight, interior or exterior natural features (e.g., biophilia)
  • Quality of electric light, including visible light transmittance of glazing, intensity and spectrum of electric light, lighting controls, lighting zones, lighting schedule- glare control devices, including manual or automated shading, luminaire shields to prevent glare and any other visual elements not listed
  • Provide the date of review, the name and role of the reviewer (may be internal), the reason for the review (tenant request, tenant complaint, landlord initiative, existing feature, or other) and a summary of findings


  • List with descriptions and observations of visual elements reviewed
  • Explanation why any areas were excluded

Adapted BB3 Question

Question 05.05.01 –  Are features that attempt to simulate the natural environment installed in commonly occupied base-building areas?

Suggested Lead

In-house to review, third-party support





Other Notes

The scope of this Question is limited to the aspects that the owner or landlord can control.

Examples of improvements could include light replacements, providing indoor plants in common areas, or adding interior view blinds.


1 Point per option, up to 3 Max Points
