Asset Classes

Focus Area

Resilience and Site


Climate Hazards and Risks

Question #

R2.3 – Resilience Strategies


Have resilience strategies been identified to address the most significant climate risks at the building and site level?


All asset classes
Owner/landlord occupied building
Tenant occupied building

Answer & Scoring

  • Yes = 3 points
  • No = 0 points

Max of 3 points


    1. Conduct a Climate Risk Assessment and highlight the framework used to undertake the assessment, as well as the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenario(s) evaluated
    2. Acceptable asset-level risk assessment frameworks include CRREM, PIEVC, ISO 31000, GRESB or similar, but must focus on the individual property.
    3. If not identified in the report, for each of the highest risks, indicate any measures that have been implemented to address identified risks. Examples include equipment and supplies, infrastructure upgrades, retrofits or other tangible actions
  • IPCC’s recommended Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenario(s) is RCP8.5. See: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Representative Concentration Pathways (Government of Canada)


    • Climate Risk Assessment, referencing industry-accepted framework used

    Suggested Lead



    • Building on R2.2 – Rank Climate Hazards, once climate-related hazards that impact a building are assessed and ranked, identify resilience strategies to respond to these hazards
    • Resilience strategies minimize the impact of climate-related hazards on the building and its occupants, protects assets, and reduces costs.
    • Engage a qualified professional to recommend resilience strategies to prepare and respond to the most significant climate-related hazards

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