Asset Classes
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
Enclosed Shopping Centres
- Not applicable
Open Air Retail
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
Light Industrial
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
Multi-Unit Residential Buildings
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
Health Care Facilities
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
Focus Area
Energy and Carbon
Question #
E12.2 — Innovation in Energy and Carbon
Is an innovative process or technology in place at the building that goes beyond the Requirements outlined in this section?
Applicable to all buildings (systems or equipment in the owner or landlord’s control)
Select all that apply:
- Renewable energy sources are installed on-site generating >1% of building energy
- Green or high-albedo roof covering is in place
- Funding / incentive received to advance net zero projects
- Building is connected to district or community energy system
- [Univ, LI, OAR, MURB] Energy Star scores available representing whole building consumption for each of the past five years
- [ESC, Univ, LI, OAR, MURB] Some tenants share their utility data with owner or landlord
- [ESC, Univ, LI, OAR, MURB] Updated tenant lease includes cost recovery of energy-efficient equipment
- [ESC, Univ, LI, OAR, MURB] Site staff received training in energy and carbon assessment, tips for operations and maintenance optimisation, lighting and HVAC efficiency or the value of sub-metering
- [ESC, Univ, LI, OAR, MURB] >50% (by building area or tenant count) of tenant energy data is sub-metered
- [ESC, Univ, LI, OAR, MURB] Joint landlord/tenant energy or carbon initiatives implemented
- Other
- Not applicable
Many processes and technologies exist that go beyond the standards and Requirements set out in the BOMA BEST Assessment. If building managers/owners have invested in innovative processes or technologies that go beyond these standards, innovation points can be earned under this Question.
- Provide details of the technology or process applied at the building
- Indicate when the technology or process was implemented and the steps that are in place to ensure the technology or process’ ongoing success
- [If “Other” is selected] Explain how the technology or process has improved the building’s energy or carbon efficiency for it to be considered innovative
- Narrative of innovative technology or process and its impact
Adapted BB3 Question
Question 01.05.14 — Is an innovative process or technology (approved by BOMA Canada) in place at the building that goes beyond the Requirements outlined in this section?
Suggested Lead
In-house, with third-party support
Other Notes
Innovative processes or technologies apply to what was installed post-construction.
Funding or incentives may include strategic energy management, retrofit, Canada Infrastructure Bank etc. or other equivalent.
Applicants are required to submit the innovative process or technology as part of the BOMA BEST application. It will be evaluated as part of the BOMA BEST verification process, in consultation with our technical experts, as required.
1 Point per option, up to 4 Max Points