Asset Classes
- Not applicable
Enclosed Shopping Centres
- Not applicable
Open Air Retail
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
Light Industrial
- Not applicable
Multi-Unit Residential Buildings
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
Health Care Facilities
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
Focus Area
Custodial and Waste
Custodial Assessment
Question #
P3.2 – Custodial and Pest Management Assessment
Has an assessment of the building’s custodial practices been conducted in the last two years?
All asset classes
Owner/landlord occupied building
Tenant occupied building – some or all custodial practices managed by the owner/landlord
Answer & Scoring
- Yes = 2 points
- No = 0 points
- Not applicable – Tenant occupied building: All custodial practices managed by the tenant = 0/0
Max of 2 points
- Engage someone who is not affiliated with the custodial management staff to assess whether the building’s green cleaning program requirements are being met to complete the following:
- Review the custodial and pest management service providers’ Standard Operating Procedures and evaluate to what extent these are implemented at the building
- Check cleaning products and equipment specified and evaluate to what extent these are used in the building
- Check pesticides applied over the last two years, the extent of low risk vs. conventional pesticides applied and determine if changes are needed
- Create an inventory of the different space use types, visit a representative sample of these spaces and determine the level of cleanliness and pest management in each
- Summarize findings, indicating what areas need improvement
- Guidelines on how the areas can be improved
- Identify corrective actions addressed and planned (if it is not possible to remedy)
In the scenario where the tenant manages either the custodial or the pest management, answer the question for the component that is managed by the owner/landlord.
- Custodial Effectiveness Assessment Report
- Credentials of person(s) conducting the assessments
- Photos, etc. demonstrating corrective actions addressed
Suggested Lead
In-house (someone not directly involved with cleaning services)
- Perform a third-party assessment of custodial and pest management practices at a building to ensure current maintenance protocols are effective
- Use recommendations by qualified professionals to improve custodial and pest management at the building and improve building cleanliness
Independent assessment of custodial and pest management practices ensure that the building’s cleanliness and pest management goals are being met.
Adapted BB 3.0 Question
Question 07.02.01 – Is a green cleaning audit conducted annually at the building?