Asset Classes

Focus Area

Energy and Carbon


Tracking and Monitoring

Question #

E4.1b – Tracking Sub-Metered Use


Was any sub-metered energy use data tracked before and during Covid?


Office, Healthcare, Enclosed Shopping Centre, Universal, Multi-Unit Residential Building, Light Industrial
Tenant occupied building

Answer & Scoring

  • Yes = 2 points
  • No = 0 points
  • Not Applicable – Owner/landlord occupied building OR Building built during or after the year 2022 = 0/0

Max of 2 points


For any sub-metered energy data available:

  1. Provide monthly sub-metered energy data in table format – see BOMA BEST Form E1.0b
  2. Provide energy sub-meter details, such as make, model, location, photo and year of installation
  3. Indicate whether any energy is generated and used on-site and whether that use has been sub-metered

    Applicants do not need to provide data for all five previous years. Provide the following, at a minimum:

    • data from one year before Covid, i.e. any time between 2017 and 2019


    • data from one year during Covid, i.e. any time between 2020 and 2022


  4. Documentation demonstrating that the building was built during or after the year 2022


  • Most sub-metered energy use before Covid (2017 – 2019) and during Covid (2020 – 2022)
  • Narrative of data collection methodology and sub-meter data, if available


  • Documentation demonstrating that the building was built during or after the year 2022

Suggested Lead



  • The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant effect on building energy use
  • Analyze sub-metered energy data to better understand energy consumption associated with individual energy intensive systems and tenants before and after the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Determine how energy use has changed since the pandemic to assess if the building is on track to achieve their energy reduction goals
  • Building management teams are encouraged to document the building’s sub-metering practices using the BOMA BEST Form – E1.0


Sub-meters measure the energy consumption of specific areas or equipment, providing property owners and managers with the ability to understand where and how building energy is being used.



Adapted BB 3.0 Question

Question 01.03.02 — Does building management track and monitor building performance and consumption patterns?