Asset Classes

Focus Area

Custodial and Waste


Waste Management

Question #

P5.2a – Waste Management Strategies


Is a program in place at the building for recycling, waste avoidance, reuse or donation?


Applicable to Office, Healthcare, Enclosed Shopping Centre and Universal buildings


Select all that apply:

  • (If applicable) New waste stream collection set up (i.e. >15% identified in Question P4.1)

  • Paperless initiatives

  • E-waste and batteries

  • Bulk dispensers

  • Water refill stations (in owner or landlord-managed spaces) 

  • Food waste donation (in owner or landlord-managed spaces)

  • Community reuse partnerships with charities for products, such as furniture and computers

  • Medical waste incinerators have pollution control systems in place

  • None of the above


“Programs that reduce waste and recycling generation and reuse products instead of putting them into the waste stream is an important piece of a waste reduction strategy. A transition to a circular economy must go beyond recycling, and also promote the reuse of existing materials, or the elimination of their production in the first place. Making a new product emits greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change and requires a lot of materials and energy – raw materials must be extracted from the earth, and the product must be fabricated then transported to wherever it will be sold. As a result, reduction and reuse are the most effective ways you can save natural resources, protect the environment and save money.” (Source:


  1. Indicate all reduction, reuse and donation programs implemented at the building

  2. (If applicable) Set up separate collection of waste streams that represent more than 15% of the total waste stream (as measured in the waste audit sample), where separate collection was not previously set up

  3. Collect Documentation to demonstrate these initiatives are in place, such as 

      • Donation program partnerships

      • Confirmed pick-ups from charities or organizations

      • Launch of reduction/avoidance campaigns (e.g., paperless)

      • Sourcing of items that promote bulk use (e.g., soap dispensers)


  • Emails, memo, service agreements, photos or any other evidence which demonstrate requirements are met

Adapted BB3 Question

Questions 08.03.01, Question 08.03.02 and Question 08.03.03 – Are any of the following waste diversion initiatives in place at the building? Has the recycling program been expanded to include any of the following waste materials? Are reuse initiatives in place at the building that have the potential to result in less waste disposed?

Suggested Lead




3R Certified

Other Notes

  • Reduction can be hard to measure. Evaluate if the waste would have been produced at the building had the initiative not put in place

  • Check whether the service schedule is appropriate given the proportion of the stream. For example: a building with food service establishments would need an organics program that is picked up more than every other week.

  • Ensure that streams are set up in locations that will maximize the success of the program

  • Initiatives not covered here can be included under Innovation


1 Point per option, up to 4 Max Points
