Asset Classes

Focus Area

Energy and Carbon



Question #

E13.1 – Align Engagement Initiatives with Tenants


Do any of the tenants’ energy and carbon management approaches align with the owner or landlord’s?


All asset classes
Tenant occupied building – some or all systems managed by the tenant

Answer & Scoring

  • Yes = Points as indicated below

Select all that apply:

    • Assessment, Planning, ECMs and CRMs = 1 point
    • Benchmarking, Tracking and Monitoring = 1 point
    • Operations and Maintenance Optimization, Controls = 1 point
    • Lighting, Demand Management = 1 point
    • HVAC Efficiency, Envelope = 1 point
  • No = 0 points
  • Not applicable – Tenant occupied building: All systems managed by the owner/landlord = 0/0

Max of 5 points


    1. Engage with tenants to understand their energy and carbon goals, on specific topics listed, and how their goals may align with the building management’s energy and carbon goals
    2. Provide a sample of feedback or communication received from tenants that demonstrate where alignment exists in specific topics covered in the Energy and Carbon Plan

In buildings where tenants manage the majority of energy and carbon-using systems, the owner or landlord can engage with the tenant(s) to collaborate and share information and lessons learned to improve whole-building performance in these areas.


  • Narrative that describes where owner or landlord and tenant’s energy and carbon goals align
  • Sample of relevant feedback or communication received from the tenants

Suggested Lead



  • Tenants are responsible for a significant portion of energy use at a building and play a crucial role in energy and carbon conservation at a building
  • Engage with tenants to discuss and align energy and carbon reduction goals, conservation measures, and identify opportunities for collaboration


Passive engagement through communication is an important first step. Also, the ability to collect tenant utility data is becoming increasingly important as part of reporting and disclosure. Active engagement efforts include direct outreach activities, such as working with tenants to collect tenant-controlled utility data or requiring green leases for new tenants or renewals that address sustainability initiatives.



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