Asset Classes

Focus Area



Tracking and Monitoring

Question #

W3.1a – Tracking Whole-Building Use


Was whole-building water-use data tracked before and during Covid?


Office, Healthcare, Enclosed Shopping Centre, Universal, Multi-Unit Residential Building, Light Industrial
Owner/landlord occupied building
Tenant occupied building – Owner has access to utility data

Answer & Scoring

  • Yes = 3 points

Enter all available information for the following:

    • Average Water Use Intensity (WUI), before Covid (2017 to 2019): ______ L/ft2
    • Average Water Use Intensity (WUI), during Covid (2020 to 2022): ______ L/ft2

  • No = 0 points
  • Not Applicable – Tenant occupied building: Owner/Landlord does not have access to utility data OR Tenant occupied building: Pursuing W3.1b OR Building built during or after the year 2022 = 0/0

Max of 3 points


To generate the whole-building water use intensity, WUI (L/ft²):

    1. Enter whole-building water-use data under the Benchmarking section of the BOMA BEST portal ( or in the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager portal
    2. Enter any 12-month average WUI under the Answer section, over the 2017 to 2019 years before Covid
    3. Enter any 12-month average WUI under the Answer section, over the 2020 to 2022 years during Covid
    4. If whole-building water use is calculated by adding data from different bills or sub-meters, provide a brief narrative describing the methodology applied. Show how the 12-month total use was calculated
    5. For any sub-meters referenced, provide details, such as make, model, location, photo and year of installation
    6. Calculate WUI for the building based on the utility data available and floor area

Water consumption data derived from landlord-installed meters, read manually each month is acceptable.


  • Table showing past years’ water data of whole-building water use
  • Calculation method used to determine the 12-month average and WUI


  • Documentation demonstrating that the owner does not manage the utilities (e.g. lease agreement)


  • Narrative indicating that W3.1b is being pursued

Suggested Lead



  • As water use is directly correlated with occupancy, the COVID-19 Pandemic had a significant effect on building water consumption
  • Analyze whole-building water use data to better understand the building’s water consumption before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Determine how water use has changed since the pandemic to assess if the buikding is on track to achieve their water saving goals


Many processes and technologies exist that go beyond the standards and requirements set out in the BOMA BEST Assessment. If building managers/owners have invested in innovative processes or technologies that go beyond these standards, innovation points can be earned under this question.



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