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Asset Classes

Focus Area

Resilience and Site


Climate Hazards and Risks

Question #

R2.1 — Future Climate Hazards


Have the site-specific risks associated with potential future climate hazards and related events been identified?


Applicable to all buildings (systems or equipment in the owner or landlord’s control)


Yes or No


To enable preparation and planning, relevant climate-related hazards specific to a property’s location should be identified. This requires consideration of past events that have caused damage and/or disruption and projected future events including their likelihood of occurring and potential consequences at the property level if they do.

Consider both climate hazards that are experienced as trends, such as rising annual temperatures, and climate hazards that are experienced as events, such as severe storms.

The time horizon under consideration should extend into the future, through at least 2050 or further, using climate projections from national and international climate data sources. From climate data projections and the team’s input, the most relevant hazards for the property based on potential level of impact can be identified for assessment of climate risk.

Climate risk analysis is complex, and this Question is intended to be an initial step rather than a comprehensive assessment.


    1. Determine the relevant climate hazards on the site, using climate projection data. Outline methodology and data sources.
    2. Identify exposure of the site to high-impact climate-related hazards in the future, as it is relevant to the site and considering that every situation is different.
    3. Establish the timeframe based on the organization’s planning horizons, but extend to at least 2040.

For example: A property that is located far from any forests or grassland would likely have a low exposure to wildfires impacting the site now and through 2050. However, a property that is located near a forest in a region that regularly experiences wildfires now and is projected to experience more frequent droughts by 2050 could be considered to have a high exposure to wildfires now and through 2050.


    • Narrative or in-house climate risk and adaptation survey or exposure assessment
    • [Alternative] Building-Specific Climate Change Risk or Resilience Report

Adapted BB3 Question

Question 09.01.13 and 09.01.14 – Has a resilience or business continuity plan been prepared for the building that includes the following components? A long-term climate change risk assessment

Suggested Lead

In-house, with third-party support


Climate projection data is often available through regional or federal governments or related organizations, such as Climate Data Canada, Climate Risk Institute, FloodSmart Canada or ClimateAtlasCanada

Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium or Preliminary strategic climate risk assessment (for BC)

California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment (for California)

City Resilience Index

Climate Risk Institute (Municipal)

and regional floodplain maps

Municipal zoning/DPAs (e.g., hazard lands, steep slopes, floodplains)
Regional/provincial climate risk assessments
Regional wildland urban interface fire risk class maps and landslide susceptibility maps, Scientific papers and Portfolio wide risk assessments.



Other Notes

If the hazards were identified through high-level portfolio-wide review, outline the methodology or framework (e.g. GRESB), tools used, level of accuracy and other pertinent information.

For individual building assessments, review regional climate projections where available to determine potential future climate hazards through 2040, 2050 or beyond. Indicate the future emissions/temperature scenario considered and the rationale for the chosen scenario.


5 Points
