Asset Classes

Focus Area

Custodial and Waste


Custodial Maintenance and Operations

Question #

P2.1 – Pest Management


Is an Integrated Pest Management Program in place?


All asset classes 
Owner/landlord occupied building
Tenant occupied building

Answer & Scoring

  • Yes = 2 points
  • No = 0 points

Max of 2 points


  1. Develop a building-specific Integrated Pest Management Program that covers:
      • Responsible parties, including the building team’s training Requirements
      • Standard operating procedures (SOP) for pest management
      • Interior and exterior pest management products and supplies to be used
      • Guidance about the use of environmentally preferable or low-risk pesticides and circumstances when the use of conventional products is appropriate
      • Strategies for storing food in sealed containers with daily disposal
      • Proactive inspection for evidence of pests, at least monthly
      • How to manage communications with tenants when pesticide applications are needed
  2. Program must be signed by the building manager, dated within the past 12 months
  3. Where pest management services are managed and delivered by the tenants and their service providers, the owner or landlord must provide information to the tenants on how to implement a Pest Management Program


  • Building-specific Integrated Pest Management Program
  • Proof that the Program was shared with Tenants

Suggested Lead



  • Pests at a building can cause unhygienic conditions for occupants and deteriorate building materials
  • Implement a pest management program to prevent pests from affecting the building. Contracted service providers are required to follow this program (if applicable)
  • Pest management should be preventive not reactive
  • Complete monthly inspections to check for evidence of pest presence
  • If pests are found at the building, take corrective actions to remediate the issue


Unhygienic conditions can result in the presence and proliferation of organisms that produce harmful or irritating by-products.


Adapted BB 3.0 Question

Question 07.03.02 – Are pest reduction strategies in place at the building?