Asset Classes

Focus Area

Resilience and Site


Planning and Vulnerabilities

Question #

R3.2 — Maintain Critical Systems


Have the building’s critical systems been identified that must be maintained in an extreme climate-related hazard event?


Applicable to all buildings (systems or equipment in the owner or landlord’s control)


Yes or No


The focus of this Question is to guide owners and landlords to think about how future climate events may impact critical building systems, and to plan accordingly. It is meant to go beyond day-to-day emergency preparedness practices.

Resilient buildings reduce vulnerability to climate-related hazards; maintain and enhance healthy, liveable spaces for occupants; and mitigate carbon emissions. Investments in building infrastructure protect against damage and losses and reduce insurance premiums. The owner or landlord should determine which elements are important to review, since every building and situation is different.

Components and systems could include elements related to buildings, site, infrastructure, programs and services, operations, health and safety, or other categories that the owner or landlord deems important for the property. Each element may be reviewed to determine its relative level of exposure and sensitivity to relevant hazards, as well as current ability to adapt to them. In combination, these criteria can be used to assess a building element’s vulnerability to climate hazards.


    1. List or describe the critical systems that must be maintained in an emergency situation and the building function that requires these systems
    2. For each of the relevant hazards identified, indicate which of the systems could be affected
    3. Provide an explanation of the measures necessary to maintain the critical systems, including critical spare equipment components

Also see Other Notes


    • Highlight relevant sections in Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans and associated Policies
    • Documentation must be building-specific

Adapted BB3 Question

Question 09.01.13 and 09.01.14 – Has a resilience or business continuity plan been prepared for the building that includes the following components? A long-term climate change risk assessment

Suggested Lead





Other Notes

Example for a power outage due to an extreme storm:

    • Electricity: Is adequate backup/emergency power in place? Note, backup power should be provided with 72 hours of fuel for critical systems/spaces at a minimum
    • Heating, cooling and ventilation: What provisions are in place for maintaining safe conditions in case of a power outage?
    • Security and communications: What provisions are in place for maintaining security and communications in case of a power outage?
    • Accessibility: How will individuals with disabilities fare during power outages and what supports might they need?
    • Other: e.g. water, sanitary plumbing, natural gas, stormwater drainage


4 Points
