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Asset Classes

Focus Area

Energy and Carbon


Energy and Carbon Assessment

Question #

E1.2 — Envelope Assessment


Has a Condition Assessment of the envelope and envelope components been completed in the past five years?


 Applicable to all buildings (systems or equipment in the owner or landlord’s control)


Select all that apply:

    • Yes — Thermal Scan and Air Tightness Test
    • Yes — Condition Assessment of Envelope
    • No


The Condition Assessment contains a list of tactical and strategic items that are used to gather a better understanding of how the building is operating in its present state and how funds need to be saved and/or allocated to repair or replace various items. Tactical items are those that will require attention within the first five years of the report’s completion. Strategic items are those that are looked at after five years and are typically reviewed in the 10-year capital asset management plan.


    1. The Thermal Imaging Scan and Air Tightness Test must:
      • Cover all roof and wall components
      • Identify areas where higher-than-normal thermal transfer occurs
    2. The Envelope Assessment must:
      • List all envelope components (roof, wall etc.),..
      • Provide a summary of the performance of the building envelope in terms of water infiltration and condensation, moist air transfer, air flow and heat transfer
      • Indicate required replacement date, highlighting components that will require replacement in the next 10 years


    • Thermal Imaging Scan and Air Tightness Test
    • [For additional points] Condition Assessment Report of Envelope (excerpt from Building or Property Condition Report containing relevant information is sufficient)

Adapted BB3 Question

Question 01.02.04 — Has a thermal imaging scan of the roof or walls been performed within the past five years? Question 09.02.01 — Has a property condition assessment (PCA) report been completed for this building within the past five years?

Suggested Lead





Other Notes

    • High-performance building envelope features include:
    • Air sealing, interior/exterior shading, automated shading controls
    • Double-paned glazing, including high-performance window assembly, double-paned glazing with low-emissivity coating, including high-performance window assembly
    • Triple-paned glazing, including high-performance window assembly, triple-paned windows with low-emissivity coating, including high-performance window assembly
    • Electrochromic glazing and built-in photovoltaics
    • Foundation insulation that is at least 20% better than current code, roof insulation that is at least 20% better than current code, wall insulation that is at least 20% better than current code
    • Natural ventilation when outdoor conditions are favourable


2 and / or 3 Points, up to 5 Max Points 
