Asset Classes

Focus Area

Energy and Carbon


Baseline Practices

Question #

E1.0b — Energy and Carbon Assessment


Has the energy efficiency and carbon emissions of systems managed by the owner or landlord been assessed in the last five years?


Applicable to Enclosed Shopping Centre, Universal, Light Industrial, Open-Air Retail and Multi-Unit Residential buildings


  • Yes – this is a baseline requirement. Complete BOMA BEST Form E1.0b
  • N/A – energy/carbon audits are not possible or not practical, provide a brief explanation


The most effective energy reduction strategies will focus efforts on the end uses with the highest consumption. Building operations and management teams should determine the largest end uses and consider opportunities for sub-metering significant loads, such as tenant process loads or mechanical equipment.


For all building components managed by the owner or landlord, provide:

    1. Building and system Description and review
      • clearly distinguish between systems that are owned vs managed vs maintained by the owner, landlord or tenant
    2. Energy utility history (at least 12 months of continuous data, typically the previous 24-36 months of data) for each energy source
    3. Greenhouse Gas inventory or Carbon emission history (at least 12 months of continuous data, typically the previous 24-36 months of data) for each carbon source
    4. Low- and no-cost energy conservation and/or carbon reduction measures, with high level costing, simple payback and anticipated savings
      • If no savings measures are identified, state why.

Refer to Other Notes.


Adapted BB3 Question

New in BOMA BEST 4.0

Suggested Lead

In house: Facility Maintenance, Potential in house energy/sustainable operations staff (e.g. JLL)
Third party: Energy/engineering consultants




Other Notes

If the owner or landlord only manages for example the exterior parking lighting or common-area energy at the building, provide the energy and carbon data for these systems, as well as an assessment of the efficiency of the systems. If the systems were recently upgraded and no energy conservation or carbon reduction is currently feasible, state that too.

For all systems managed by the tenant, the applicant (representing the owner or landlord) is expected to outline those as well, though no energy or carbon assessment is required for these systems.


