Asset Classes
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
Enclosed Shopping Centres
- Not applicable
Open Air Retail
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
Light Industrial
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
Multi-Unit Residential Buildings
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
Health Care Facilities
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
Focus Area
Baseline Practices
Question #
E1.0a — Energy and Carbon Assessment
Applicable to Office and Healthcare buildings
Yes – this is a baseline requirement
Assessments allow building management to identify opportunities for operational optimization and capital upgrades, focusing on the highest-impact systems and areas. Align methodology with ASHRAE Level I Audit or equivalent.
Buildings with an Energy Star score and obtain GHG information from Energy Star.
To generate recommendations for no- and low-cost energy conservation measures (ECMs) and carbon reduction measures (CRMs) as well as more capital-intensive upgrades, assessments should include estimates of potential savings for proposed measures and consider implementation costs. Measures selected for implementation can then be added to plans and budgets.
The Energy and Carbon Assessment Report must cover:
- Building and system Description and review, interviews with building O&M staff
- If the site visit was completed remotely, describe steps taken to become familiar with the building’s construction, equipment, operation and maintenance to demonstrate that the assessment accurately reflects on-site conditions
- Energy utility history (at least 12 months of continuous data, typically the previous 24-36 months of data) for each energy source
- Greenhouse Gas inventory or Carbon emission history (at least 12 months of continuous data, typically the previous 24-36 months of data) for each carbon source
- Baseline energy consumption and carbon emissions, with benchmarking
- Low- and no-cost energy conservation and/or carbon reduction measures, with high level costing, simple payback and anticipated savings
- Building and system Description and review, interviews with building O&M staff
- Walkthrough Energy and Carbon Assessment Report
- E1.0a & b – Energy and Carbon Assessment Template
Adapted BB3 Question
Best Practice 2 — Has an ASHRAE Level 1 Energy Assessment been conducted in the past five years?
Suggested Lead
In house: Facility Maintenance, Potential in house energy/sustainable operations staff (e.g. JLL)
Third party: Energy/engineering consultants
Other Notes
The assessment methodology should at least align with an ASHRAE Level I Audit
Refer to Energy Star for carbon emission calculations and creating a GHG inventory. If other carbon emission factors are used, explain reasoning and factors applied.