Asset Classes

Focus Area

Indoor Air Quality and Hazards


Baseline Practices

Question #

I1.0b – Owner or landlord informs, tenant manages IAQ


Does the owner or landlord conduct visual IAQ inspections of tenant-managed spaces each year?


All asset classes
Tenant occupied building – some or all systems managed by the tenant

Answer & Scoring

  • Yes – this is a baseline requirement
  • Not Applicable – Owner/landlord occupied building OR Tenant occupied building: All systems managed by the owner/landlord OR Tenant occupied building: The building owner/landlord does not have access to tenant-managed spaces


    1. Conduct a visual inspection of the tenant-managed HVAC systems that serve tenant leased spaces, covering the following as applicable:
      • Air handling units (dampers, plenum, filters, coils, humidifiers, fans, motors)
      • Air distribution and terminal systems (ductwork, plenum, diffusers, grilles, CAV/VAV boxes, fan-coils, heat pumps, exhaust)
      • Central systems (boiler, chiller, cooling tower, air compressor, pneumatics, pumps) and pipes, generators, controls)
      • Potential mold growth or water damage to base building components
      • Tenant operations that may negatively impact other tenants’ air quality (for example, proper exhaust if paint booth is used)
      • No damage to asbestos containing or other hazardous base building materials
    2. Cover a group of tenants who lease at least half of the total building area
    3. Share visual inspection forms with tenants
    4. OR

    5. Documentation demonstrating that the building owner/landlord’s does not have access to the tenant managed HVAC systems (e.g. lease agreement)
    6. OR

    7. Signed letter from owner/landlord or tenant indicating how and why the owner is restricted from the space.


  • Most recent visual inspection forms of tenant spaces
  • Communication where the results of the visual inspection were shared with tenants
  • Demonstrate that the inspections cover at least half of the area of the building
  • I1.0b – Visual IAQ Inspections Template


  • Documentation demonstrating that the building owner/landlord’s does not have access to the tenant managed HVAC systems (e.g. lease agreement)


  • Signed letter from owner/landlord or tenant indicating how and why the owner is restricted from the space.

Suggested Lead

In-house: Facility Maintenance, Building Manager/Policy Makers


  • Tenant-controlled HVAC systems can have a significant impact on the indoor air quality (IAQ) in a building. If systems are not properly operated or maintained, this can lead to poor IAQ and negatively affect building occupants
  • Perform regular visual inspections of tenant-controlled HVAC systems to ensure systems are operating correctly and are properly maintained
  • Engage with tenants during the inspection and share the results and recommendations with them

RELATED Question:


Indoor air quality (IAQ) is achieved through the selection of appropriate and achievable air quality goals, regular surveillance and testing to verify HVAC performance and hygiene, efficient and effective procedures for addressing occupant IAQ concerns and adequate training for the building management team. 

The owner or landlord can play an important role in supporting tenants in determining appropriate and achievable air quality goals, conducting regular surveillance and testing to verify HVAC performance and hygiene, advise on efficient and effective procedures for addressing occupant IAQ concerns and encourage adequate training for the tenant space management team.


Adapted BB 3.0 Question

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