Asset Classes

Focus Area

Custodial and Waste


Waste Audit and Measurement

Question #

P5.1a – Workplan


Is a Waste Reduction Work Plan in place at the building?


All asset classes
Owner/landlord occupied building
Tenant occupied building – waste managed by the owner/landlord

Answer & Scoring

  • Yes = 2 points
  • No = 0 points
  • Not applicable – Tenant occupied building: Waste managed by the tenant = 0/0

Max of 2 points


Reference the Waste Audit and develop the following:

  1. A building-specific Waste Reduction Work Plan that covers the following:
        • Responsible parties, including the building team’s training Requirements
        • Standard operating procedures (SOP) for waste collection
        • Identify the waste streams generated at the building, covering the following:
            • Recyclables, such as paper (general, mixed and confidential shredded paper), metal cans, glass, plastics (rigid or soft), cardboard etc.
            • Food and organics, such as food waste, coffee pods, grease/cooking oil, containers, cutlery, etc.
            • Electronic waste (e-waste), batteries, printer cartridges etc.
            • Waste (or garbage)
            • Construction and renovation (skids, light bulbs, etc.)
            • Furniture, equipment
            • Miscellaneous
            • Treatment of contaminated waste
            • Hazardous
            • Tenant-managed waste
  2. Describe each stream’s waste removal strategy, such as:
      • Identify the different waste streams collected at the building (at least two streams (garbage, mixed or paper recycling)
      • How waste is collected within the building and site (describe the on-site source separation strategies)
      • Who collects each of the current waste streams from the building and site
      • [Optional] Determine if there any waste streams that represent >15% of the total waste stream (as measured in the waste audit sample) and separate collection is not yet set up at the building
      • Waste hauling destination
      • Frequency of collection
      • Outcomes and recommendations from the most recent waste assessment
      • Clear outline of the waste reduction plan for the next 12-24 months
      • Program must be signed by the building manager, dated within the past 12 months

This work plan incorporates many other areas of the BOMA waste section into a unified plan and will be used to verify and cross-reference other claims.


  • Waste Reduction Workplan
  • Proof that program was shared with tenants

Suggested Lead

In-house, with third-party support


  • Establish a waste reduction workplan to establish waste reduction goals, implement waste management strategies, and reduce waste production at a building
  • Include current standard operating procedures for waste collection and the waste streams collected at the building in the waste reduction work plan
  • Implement additional waste streams and waste reduction strategies to reduce the amount of waste at their building sent to a landfill

RELATED Question:


Source separation strategy facilitates the separation of waste at the point of generation for recycling and waste destined for disposal.


Adapted BB 3.0 Question

Best Practice 12 – Is a Source Separation Program in place at the building?
Best Practice 14 – Is a Waste Reduction Work Plan in place at the building?