Asset Classes

Focus Area

Custodial and Waste


Waste Management

Question #

P5.1a – Workplan


Is a Waste Reduction Work Plan in place at the building?


Applicable to Office, Healthcare, Enclosed Shopping Centre, Universal and Multi-Unit Residential buildings


Yes or No


Source separation strategy facilitates the separation of waste at the point of generation for recycling and waste destined for disposal.


Reference the Waste Audit and develop the following:
  1. A building-specific Waste Reduction Work Plan that covers the following:

    • Responsible parties, including the building team’s training Requirements

    • Standard operating procedures (SOP) for waste collection

    • Identify the waste streams generated at the building, covering the following:

        • Recyclables, such as paper (general, mixed and confidential shredded paper), metal cans, glass, plastics (rigid or soft), cardboard etc.

        • Food and organics, such as food waste, coffee pods, grease/cooking oil, containers, cutlery, etc.

        • Electronic waste (e-waste), batteries, printer cartridges etc.

        • Waste (or garbage)

        • Construction and renovation (skids, light bulbs, etc.)

        • Furniture, equipment

        • Miscellaneous

        • Treatment of contaminated waste

        • Hazardous

        • Tenant-managed waste

    • Describe each stream’s waste removal strategy, such as:

        • Identify the different waste streams collected at the building (at least two streams (garbage, mixed or paper recycling)

        • How waste is collected within the building and site (describe the on-site source separation strategies)

        • Who collects each of the current waste streams from the building and site

        • [Optional] Determine if there any waste streams that represent >15% of the total waste stream (as measured in the waste audit sample) and separate collection is not yet set up at the building

        • Waste hauling destination

        • Frequency of collection

    • Outcomes and recommendations from the most recent waste assessment

    • Clear outline of the waste reduction plan for the next 12-24 months

    • Program must be signed by the building manager, dated within the past 12 months


    • Waste Reduction Workplan
    • Proof that program was shared with tenants

Adapted BB3 Question

Best Practice 12 and Best Practice 14 – Is a Source Separation Program in place at the building? Is a Waste Reduction Work Plan in place at the building?

Suggested Lead

In-house, with third-party support



Other Notes

This work plan incorporates many other areas of the BOMA waste section into a unified plan, and will be used to verify and cross-reference other claims


 2 Points
