Asset Classes

Focus Area

Indoor Air Quality and Hazards


Baseline Practices

Question #

I8.0 — Landlord shares IAQ and Hazards Practices


Has the owner or landlord’s Indoor Air Quality & Hazards Communication Plan been shared with the building tenants?


Applicable to Light Industrial and Open-Air Retail


Select one of the following:

    • Yes – the Plan covers the following topics: IAQ assessment, tips for managing ventilation, exhaust, filtration, renovation projects, refrigeration and IAQ hazards
    • N/A – IAQ is tenant managed, owner does not have a tenant communication plan


Increasing building tenant and occupant awareness and engagement in environmental and sustainable practices can have a significant positive or negative impact on the performance of the building.

Improving the environmental performance of the building can Suggested Lead to many positive outcomes for building management, staff and tenants, including but not limited to lower operational costs, lower utility bills, improved indoor air quality, improved management-tenant relationships, etc.


    1. Develop a building-specific Indoor Air Quality & Hazards Communication Plan that covers the following:
      • Outline the building management team’s efforts to assess IAQ and hazards
      • IAQ assessment, tips for managing ventilation, exhaust, filtration, renovation projects, refrigeration and IAQ hazards
    2. Copies of communication with the building’s tenants where the content of the building Indoor Air Quality & Hazards Communication Plan was shared, dated within the last 12 months
    3. Demonstrate that communication was distributed to at least half of the number of tenant organisations occupying the building or a group who lease at least half of the total building area


    • Building-specific Indoor Air Quality & Hazards Communication Plan
    • Proof of communication with representative group of building tenants, covering IAQ assessment, tips for managing ventilation, exhaust, filtration, renovation projects, refrigeration and IAQ hazards
    • I8.0 – IAQ & Hazards Communication Plan Template

Adapted BB3 Question

Best Practice 16 — Is an Occupant Environmental Communication Program in place at the building?

Suggested Lead

In house: Facility Maintenance, Building Manager/Policy Makers





Other Notes



Baseline – 1 Point
