Asset Classes
- Not applicable
Enclosed Shopping Centres
- Not applicable
Open Air Retail
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
Light Industrial
- Not applicable
Multi-Unit Residential Buildings
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
Health Care Facilities
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
- Not applicable
General Information
1. What is the gross floor area?
___ m2 OR
___ ft2
Floor area measurements have many different names (Gross Measured Area, Interior Gross Area, and Exterior Gross Area). For the purposes of benchmarking energy and water in BOMA BEST, the term Gross Floor Area (GFA) will be used to refer to the floor measurement that includes the following areas:
- Lobbies
- Tenant Areas
- Common Areas
- Meeting Rooms
- Break Rooms
- Atriums (ground floor only)
- Restrooms
- Elevator Shafts
- Stairwells
- Mechanical Equipment Areas
- Basements
- Storage Rooms
The following spaces should not be included in this measurement:
- Exterior spaces
- Balconies
- Patios
- Exterior Loading Docks
- Driveways
- Covered Walkways
- Outdoor Courts (Tennis, Basketball, etc.)
- Crawl Spaces
- Parking (indoor or outdoor)
2. What year was the building constructed?
3. What asset class is the building?
- Office
- Healthcare
- Enclosed Shopping Center
- Universal
- Multi-Unit Residential
- Light Industrial
- Open Air Retail
4. What was the occupancy rate over the past 12 months (in percentage)?
5. Is the building being recertified?
- Yes
- No
6. Is the building tenant occupied?
- Yes
- No
If tenant occupied, provide the following:
- A building floor plan outlining areas managed by the owner/landlord vs tenant
- A list of building systems identifying whether the owner/landlord or tenant is responsible for operations
- A list of building systems identifying whether the owner/landlord or tenant is responsible for maintenance and repairs
- If systems are managed by the tenant, provide supporting documentation such as an excerpt from the lease agreement demonstrating that tenant is responsible
- If the owner/landlord is restricted from accessing the tenant space provide supporting documentation such as a lease excerpt or a narrative signed by the owner/landlord or tenant detailing how and why the space is restricted
7. Is this a multiple building submission?
- Yes
- No
For multiple building submissions, provide a narrative describing how the three requirements have been met:
- The buildings must share an actual, physical connection that is complete and indivisible (e.g., a shared functional space that cannot be divided, such as underground parking, an atrium or conference space). Hallways or interior walking paths between buildings are not considered functional, shared space, even if they are lit and/or heated. This requirement is consistent with the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager (ESPM) definition of a “single structure”.
- Buildings must have the same primary use type (75% or more of each building is dedicated to the same use, such as “Office”).
- Buildings must be managed by the same management company and share policies.