Asset Classes

Focus Area

Accessibility and Wellness


Training and Innovation

Question #

A5.2 – Innovation in Accessibility and Wellness


Is an innovative process or technology in place at the building that goes beyond the requirements outlined in this section?


All asset classes 
Owner/landlord occupied building
Tenant occupied building

Answer & Scoring

  • Yes = Points as indicated below

Select all that apply:

    • Occupant survey response rate >50% – Demonstrate how the response rate was determined = 1 point
    • Other = 1 point
  • Not Applicable – Not pursuing Innovation points = 0/0

Max of 1 point


  1. Provide details of the technology or process applied at the building
  2. Indicate when the technology or process was implemented and the steps that are in place to ensure the technology or process’ ongoing success
  3. If “Other” is selected, explain how the technology or process has improved the building’s accessibility and wellness practices for it to be considered innovative


  • Narrative of innovative technology or process and its impact

Suggested Lead

In-house, with third-party support


  • The Innovation in Accessibility & Wellness question awards buildings for going beyond requirements outlined in other Accessibility & Wellness questions.
  • Buildings are encouraged to pursue additional measures to improve Accessibility & Wellness at their building


Many processes and technologies exist that go beyond the standards and requirements set out in the BOMA BEST Assessment. If building managers/owners have invested in innovative processes or technologies that go beyond these standards, innovation points can be earned under this question.



Adapted BB 3.0 Question

New in BOMA BEST 4.0